Friday, August 20, 2010

Why We Chose Music Over Dance

Sure, we did ballet...but even the ballet students around here perform in the end-of-the-year show with programs like this:

These girls are 7. 7!! What dance school owner, what choreographer, what parent, would allow this?


Anonymous said...

My dd11 and ds8 watched this over my shoulder and both said, "that's disgusting." I completely agree.

And WHAT is with all the cheering in the background???

Anonymous said...

This is really sad. I am SO glad we are in a Christian Irish Dance school that cares very much about protecting the girl's modesty and purity.

Becky said...

Oh my. This is so troubling. I'm glad my daughter is into the piano. My nieces are involved in "modern dance" and that scares me a little.

Ladybug Mommy Maria said...

WOW....disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting.

KC said...

We are so lucky to have a classical ballet school in this town.

This is truly disgusting.

Helenrr said...

and then the parents complain later in life about their childrens behavior...
This is something that would cause me to yank my dd out of the school and never look back. She was (still is actually at the age of 24) in Ballet (incl. Toe), Tap, Irish/Cape Brenton/Scottish dance, even Jazz & Modern and we never had trash masquerading as dance. Gross. AND very sad, these are little girls who are being used in a very horrible way. Why this wasn't protested ...

Annette said...

This is what happens when "Pole Dancing" becomes a regular class at dance studios. These girls are receiving very early job training.