Wake up to news of a bomb in Times Square. This news prevents you from rolling over and going back to sleep.
Beg a ride into the city since the trains may or may not be running.
Arrive at audition site three hours early and rehearse with accompanist.
Go to ATM and get money for accompanist's fee.
Notice GAP across the street. Run in and browse. See a dress you love. Try it on. Buy it with accompanist's fee.
Go to grocery shop next door and buy a banana and "B-Relaxed" vitamin water. You have heard these will help you remain calm for auditions.
Go to ATM and get money for accompanist's fee.
Go back to audition site. Do a quick run-through with accompanist again. Pay accompanist before you buy something else.
Sit with mom in special parents' waiting room and gather thoughts. Be encouraged when a complete stranger recognizes you from a performance two weeks ago, and tells you that you are wonderful.
(Hint for mom: Read all info provided by conservatory, and drink coffee/eat muffin. Act calm.)
Go to audition room at the 1 hour early mark, as instructed, to check in. They tell you to come back after lunch. The monitors are hungry.
Meet a friend from California who is auditioning, too. Rejoice in your reunion.
Go back to mom and sip vitamin water. Totally forget about the banana.
Go to audition room and audition for panel of judges. Play your best, ever. The panel are very nice; they smile and clap at the end of your audition.
Go back to parents' waiting area. Attend PowerPoint presentation on student life.
Look at watch. Realize you have to get to work soon. Rush for train, now running on time. Make train, just as doors close. Get to your stop and decide to walk 5 blocks instead of taking the bus. It's a beautiful day!!
Arrive at work, and get yelled at by a mother for your inadequate preparation of her child for a music test. Cry. Director of the music school tells you not to worry about it. Worry anyway.
On your way home from work, get a call from your studio teacher (who was on the panel); she tells you you did well. Laugh. Smile. Sleep well or the first time in weeks.
When were you there in NYC? I think we Vermonters were there too! (March 4-8) We were in Time Square the morning the bomb went off (seeing Entertainment Law Attorney). We country mice were overwhelmed with that scary piece of news!
How exciting about auditioning for music. I will pray for you on this end!
Yeah...we are in NYC all the time, 'cause we live on the city line. How funny that you were there! Next time, let us know and we'll have some city fun.
How wonderful! I'll let you know when we are there next so we can hook up!!!
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