Then, one of the women made this profound observation: "So, you are like really Catholic, huh?"
Well, yeah. I sensed they found real Catholicism quaint.
Which made me think of the whole HHS mandate matter from a Catholic perspective. Yes, it's an issue that should concern all Americans, because, yes, it's about freedom, the Constitution, the First Amendment, personal responsibility, and all that. Indeed, this should be, and is now, the message the bishops have sent to the Obama administration and HHS as well as the country. This is simply the most important message to send to those outside the Church.
I was lucky--no, blessed--to find a friend (who is now my husband) who explained Church teaching to me. I figured I must have been a miserable student not to have heard this message during my faith formation. So, of course, I was stunned when, during our pre-Cana Engaged Encounter weekend at the local seminary, the priest guiding the group told us to "follow our consciences" on the matter of birth control. I hadn't missed the message in my youth through poor scholarship; the message wasn't there.
What? Was there no truth? Truth?? I wanted to hear it. Did this priest assume that we had all had our consciences formed in the truth? Or did he simply not care? Was he weary of fighting a battle with neither leadership nor comrades? Or was he neutral, taking no side for fear of alienating the dissenters? And why wasn't anyone saying anything?
I hate to say it, but Mrs. Pelosi was right about one thing--the Church has failed to teach the truth about so-called birth control. An entire generation has been so poorly catechized that some, like Mrs. Pelosi, can no longer be reached by the truth. And now the Church is reaping what it has sown, and put the souls of the faithful in danger. The message inside the Church can't be simply the same as the wider message meant for non-Catholic Americans. While we might all agree, as Americans, that there are God-given rights outlined in the Constitution and the Bill of rights, we Catholics need to be told the whole truth plainly and clearly. For us, it's not just about religious freedom.
Turn to us, Bishops, and teach us that Truth. And make sure the priests get this memo, too.
For those not willing to wait, the Truth is here.