The name itself is a joke, after my brother Pete's appreciation of film critic Leonard Maltin. Maltin's Movie Guide
Now, to the point. Oprah has episodes of her show that reveal her favorite things. I have favorite things, too. So here is the first post of my Favorite Catholic Things.
Still here? Read on.
Favorite Catholic Thing: The Holy Rosary
I love my fingers. There are ten of them; they are quite flexible. They are beginning to resemble my mother's fingers, but I guess that's just the way of things. They are great as a wake-in-the-middle-of-the-night rosary. But, you know what? I like real rosaries better. And I like beautiful ones. Sure, it's really all about the prayer, but we are tactile and visual people. A lovely set of beads is a help...and I need all the help I can get.
It just so happens that in the wonderful world of social media, one finds lots of like-minded people. Fortunately, one also finds lots of quite skilled people. Some of my friends actually make gorgeous, inspiringly beautiful rosaries. If you have a chance, take a look at these sites and see some real beauty.
And check out Darlene's friend's site.
Sometimes, the beauty of the rosary is in the intention of the makers...Divine Twine provides twine and instructions for making knots, for the cause of Autism Awareness. The beauty is in the colors, the task of knotting, and the prayers, of course.
More information on the Rosary.
My favorite online virtual rosary site.
Rosary for Android
Rosary for iPhone