Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Dad Died Last Month

And that was all I was going to write about that.  Day after day, I thought I might just post that and let it sit.

Then I thought I'd post Milne's King John's Christmas, but it's quite long (thus, I chose a link instead) as a sort of tribute to my father.  Like the king in the poem, my father had an odd relationship with people, but loved toys.

I keep thinking of things I'd like to tell him.

I keep recalling very funny things we enjoyed together.  My dad was an animal lover, and, since we were not allowed pets in Boston, he often acquired animals for my cousins.  My favorite were the two small alligators he bought and kept in the bathtub overnight.  He told tales of the snapping turtle he kept as a kid, and was eventually forced to release in the Neponset River.

We had German shepherds when I was a teen.  I loved going to dog shows with him.

RIP Dad.


  1. I am sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace. Prayers! Alicia

  2. Oh, MacBeth. There are no words. Praying for you, and the repose of his soul.

  3. May he rest in eternal peace. God bless you my dear.

  4. MacBeth, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your father. Requiem aeternum dona eis Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis. Prayers for you both.
