Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Transfering Content

It has been a while since I have had access to the main MacBeth's Opinion site. I have not been able to add or edit content, and so the pages are a bit dated. I figured I would toss the old pages up here, link them in a sidebar somehow (experimenting here...), and edit at will. Any suggestions or hints are welcome.


  1. Wordpress. It has options to create pages that aren't dated. Love that feature.

  2. Hey Jenn...I'm not looking to switch from blogger, but only to get rid of the old (older than old) Tripod site, which is really unusable. I hope this turns out to be easy, though there is a lot more content than I originally thought. It's a bit like spring cleaning!

  3. No, I know, Macbeth. Just throwing that as an option. At the beginning, just to transfer the stuff, you could create the pages at Wordpress and link to blogger.

    There is a lot of pages you have. Do you have the original material with codes to edit? Or will you need to view the code for each page and "decode" to create new .htm pages?

    Since you are Google user, you might be able to make some Google Pages, although I have heard that it might be discontinued?

  4. I was not really sure how it would work at I just cut and pasted the opening page for starters. It took two seconds. Does it look OK? Do the photos show?

  5. Oh, sorry, I do see! It does look good and transferred over well. I hope you can categorize them so they don't get lost in the archives, but they are "saved" well here!

  6. I figured I'd make a separate link box just for all the old content by page name like "Spring" or whatever. Very creative, don't you think? ;)

  7. Oh that makes total sense. I like some semblance of organization, and that echoes the website organization you already had. And it's much better to get it done!
