Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Swallows and Amazons Audio Downloads!

Some of you might recall that I am a great fan of Audible's audio book website and programs, and others might know that I am a long-time fan of Arthur Ransome's Swallows and Amazons series of books.

Still others might not care one bit.

But for those who do, I just heard that Audible now carries 4--count 'em! 4!--of the series, expertly read and unabridged. The titles available so far (I hope for more) are Swallows and Amazons, Swallowdale, Winter Holiday, and Peter Duck. Audible has one of them miscategorized as a book for 5-7 year olds in one instance, and for 8-10 year olds in another. These books are great for all ages, but a very young child might find a 10 hour audio book a bit long. Unless, of course, he is sitting in a car for hours, in which case the S&As will become his best friends.

Click through the links and take a listen. The quality is great, and the reader is lovely.


  1. I know this post is old, but, yippee! My 5 year old loves Roger, and I was going to have to get the rest of the series on interlibrary loan (the one outside our "system." Anyway, there will be one thrilled little boy when I tell him!

  2. God Bless you, MacBeth, I promised these to the kids two years ago and was intimidated about ordering from England. Tonight I thought, "I should really get those..." and guess who was the first google hit for my search? I'm so excited this is so easy.

  3. Found this post searching for audio Swallows and Amazons when i was UNABLE to find it on Audible..followed your link to get a message "sorry but due to publishing rights we are unable to sell this in your country" (Australia)..Arghh.
    Very disappointing as have been trying to get my boys 10 & 8 to read them, but they are so used to fast action fantasy that the gentler pace hasn't gripped them. Thought talking book might be the hook, but will have to badger my pals in UK for their audible least, thanks to your post, I know it's in there somewhere...

  4. Sorry, Murphy...not sure if it's an Aussie thing, or if they have removed them from the inventory. I know that a bunch of our local people got in touch with Gabriel Woolf in the UK who recorded wonderful CDs of his readings. Maybe you could try that? UK shoppers can find them here:
