Thursday, September 13, 2007

Oh, I almost forgot!!

At the gift shop (we visited many, many gift shops) the kids were thrilled to find reminders of our friends. Not only does the shop carry Melissa Wiley's Little House Books, but the kids immediately turned to the dedication in one, and found the names of their dear friends! "Awwww! We miss them!" they cried! And it was true.

Also, thanks for the kind and informative comments, everyone. Yes, the Pilot is better now. It actually had more cosmetic damage, except for the cracked radiator and smashed windshield. It has nearly 10,000 miles on it, and is a solid as a rock.


  1. Your children were mentioned on a daily basis in SF, believe me!

  2. P.S. We are relieved to hear that the Derhamobile remains in tip top shape.

  3. Famous last words, you heard, the Pilot overheated last night, but it was just a loose hose, and we are back on the road again!!

  4. Break it to me gently, MacBeth--were the books the abridged versions? Photo covers or painted?

    Glad the Pilot is running again AGAIN!

  5. Lissa, they were the same ones we have--I guess the unabridged originals. I do not recall seeing any other version.
