Friday, June 13, 2008

Mulberries for Dinner!

Unfortunately, the hot weather we had last week has made the mulberries a bit dry and miserable-looking. I am hoping for a lovely cobbler tonight, though.

But there are enough mulberries for more than just a cobbler, so I decided to look up more recipes. I found a great website called Mulberry Madness. It has some interesting recipes to try, for sure. Tonight, though, it's cobbler.

Meanwhile, I am in the middle of a laundry dilemma. My dryer is not functioning, so I have been hanging out the clothes. Unfortunately, half of my clothesline is under the mulberry tree, so I have to be very careful where I hang the clothes, both because of the staining properties of the berries, and the droppings of the birds who love to eat same.

While hanging out the clothes this morning, I noticed the tell-tale signs of a visiting paper wasp:
Yes, wasps are eating my clothespins. I must be very careful to avoid the painful sting of these inhabitants of my back yard. I'm not allergic, but I don't like to be stung--laundry is a dangerous business!


Anonymous said...

When we first moved to the farm my laundry line was attached to an Oxblood cherry tree--delicious cherries, messy birds, and big ants!
When wasps inhabited the ends of the metal T-post clothesline supports, had to really shake the clothes to get them out.

The mulberries look very good. After working with our 30 quarts of strawberries I am ready for a different fruit ALMOST!


MacBeth Derham said...

Hey Viv!

I may be jumping the gun a bit, as some were a bit under ripe. My friends were heading off for some strawberry picking today, and I'm sure, like you, they'll have strawberry everything for a while!

Wasps in the supports, eh? I wish I knew where these wasps were nesting...I think I'd make short work of them. ;)